A group of people with a mission to enrich this place with educational facilities came together and formed a Trust called Godavari Manar Charitable Trust in 1990 and it bore fruit in the form of establishment of Arts, Commerce and Science College in 1991. I am extremely pleased to present the Self Study Report (SSR) of our college to the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore for Re-accreditation. Evaluative Reports of the Departments: Department of English 136 Department of Hindi 141 Department of Marathi 147 Department of History 155 Department of Economics 159 Department of Sociology 163 Department of Political Science 168 Department of Public Administration 173 Department of Sports 179 Department of Commerce 183 Department of Mathematics 187 Department of Physics 191 Department of Chemistry 195 Department of Computer Science 200 Department of Botany 205 Department of Zoology 208 Post Accreditation Initiatives 212 Appendix Annexture ICertificate of recognition from the affiliating University Annexture IICertificate of recognition of the college under UGC Act of 2(f) & 12B Annexture III NAAC Accreditation Certificate of Cycle 1 Annexture Annexture IV Certificate of Compliance AnnextureIV Declaration by the Head of the Institution Criterion wise Analytical Report 34 Criterion I: Curricular Aspects Criterion II: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation 44 Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension 69 Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 88 Criterion V: Student Support and Progression 99 Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership and Management 114 Criterion VII: Innovations and Best Practices 129 3. Principal’s Message 05 Introduction 06 Measures Taken on the Suggestions of Peer Team Vision Document 07 Section-A Executive Summary 10 SWOC Analysis 18 Section: B 26 2. Member Representative from NonTeaching Staff Representative from NonTeaching Staff CoordinatorĬONTENTS Items Page No. Principal Godavari Manar Representative from English, School Administrative Officers Panchalĭepartment of Botany Department of Commerce Department of Chemistry Department of Sociology Department of Chemistryĭepartment of Physics Department of Public Administration Department of Public Administration Senior Clerk Headmaster, Saibaba Primary School, Shankarnagar B.

Representative from Management Representative from Stakeholder and Community Representative from IndustryĪshish Madhukarrao Patil, Nanded Mr.

Niranjan Bhaskarraoji Patil, Khatgaonkar. Ratnalikarĭesignation In-Charge Principal, ACS College, Shankarnagar Secretary, Godavari Manar Charitable Trust, Shankarnagar College, ShankarnagarĬomposition of IQAC as per NAAC norms Sr.No. NANDED (MAHARASHTRA) PIN- 431736 Self Study Report:- A. NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) FOR CYCLE 2 ASSESSMENTSĪT/POST:- SHANKARNAGAR, DIST. GODAVARI MANAR CHARITABLE TRUS’S, ARTS, COMMERCE AND SCIENCE COLLEGE SHANKARNAGAR, TQ.